Outsourced Sales Manager

Taking care of your sales strategy, sales operations and sales analysis/reporting.

Are you frustrated with any of the following?

  • Need to increase the performance of your sales team?
  • Need to hold salespeople accountable to the right behaviors?
  • Need direction or one-on-one coaching and mentoring for marginal performers
  • Need help to move on poor performers?
  • Need to replace your previous sales manager?
  • Or you just need time so you can “work on the business”

Our sales management services are customisable and affordable. You only pay for the time you need and the services you require.

You’ll get the benefit of an experienced Sales Manager for a fraction of the cost of a full time Sales Manager.

Request an Assessment

Why Outsource The Sales Manager Role?

Why Outsource The Sales Manager Role?

Many businesses fail to establish a sales process that provides structure for your sales team to track their sales successes, replicate their success among team members and increase your profits. An outsourced sales manager can help:

Management of the Sales Process

Implementation of a Sales Process

Motivate and Mentor Your Sales Team

Keep Your Sales Team Performing!

For many small to mid-sized businesses, an outsourced sales manager has many benefits that lead to sustainable sales success and revenue growth for your organisation.

Request an Assessment

Let us come in and look at your sales organisation.

We’ll talk to you and your team, understand your needs and design a sales management plan right for your business.

Short Term, Medium Term, or Long Terms Options Available

Your investment to suit your budget from $500 to $1,000 + GST per week.

Take Action

Call Richard on 0274720410 or email richard@geewiz.co.nz for a confidential discussion and free assessment.